Welcome authors! Today I have a very special guest with me! Meet Alessa, owner of From Enemies To Lovers blog! In today's post, Alessa will be sharing tips for grabbing a book blogger's attention as well as Pinterest marketing tips to use for your books!
Q: Welcome Alessa! Tell us about you, your blog, and your platforms. What do you do, and where can we find you? How'd you get started in this industry?
A: Hi there! I'm Alessa, the owner of 'From Enemies to Lovers,' a very niche blog dedicated mostly to YA/NA fantasy romances with fairytale and cozy vibes.
I wanted to connect with other crazy readers like me and spread love for the books I adore reading. For me, talking about the books I love is a necessity haha! I'm always updating my readings in Goodreads and expressing myself in. . . very effusive ways I should say.
If you want a crazy Latina as a book friend reach me at my socials!!
Website: https://fromenemiestolovers.blog/
Youtube ( coming very soon! ) From Enemies 2 Lovers - YouTube
Q: What is your taste in books?
A: I love fairytales, retellings, and stories with a dark touch or gothic vibes! Cozy fantasy romances are a favorite of mine as well.
Regarding the romance aspect, I tend to read more YA than NA but what I look into a book is a good story and well-developed characters.
Here is a mind map with my fav tropes and books 😊
Alessa's Mind Map:

Q: What captures your attention when it comes to books? What will make a book jump to the top of your TBR? What "sells" you on an indie author?
A: Very good question!!
First, the cover! If I'm browsing through Instagram or Amazon, the cover says A LOT about a book. As an author, it's your presentation card, so it should portray what the book is about.
For me to add a book to my TBR list, I look into two things: the first paragraph from the blurb and, as I said before, the cover. A short blurb that exposes the inciting incident of the story in a clear way is key to grabbing a potential reader's attention. Knowing beforehand what to expect from a book is vital.
Indie authors should definitely focus on aesthetics and – if possible – character art. One good commission could be the difference for your book.
And do not overuse tropes! If your book is a traditional enemies-to-lovers, focus on giving the best publicity to that one trope and choose one or two micro-tropes in addition. Ideally, you should have: ONE main trope, one sub-trope and two micro-tropes. That should suffice for the whole marketing of your book.
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Sub-trope: reluctant allies
Micro-tropes: One bed, he is a magical creature, etc.
Visual Example:

Q: What tips do you have for authors looking to start their own Pinterest?
A: "I went from 0 to 1 million views on my Pinterest account in only 4 months, so I think I can offer some useful tips regarding Pinterest.
Be creative! You have an entire book as material for your reels, hehe.
Experiment with different formats: 1:1, 3:4, and videos.
Have a defined style with colors and don’t change them.
Use SHORT quotes, questions, and try to be bold!
And the most important tip: Make pins YOU want to click. This basically applies to all social media, but Pinterest, being so visual, makes it important to have good aesthetics.
Q: What draws you in on an author's website?
A: Keep it updated! When I visit authors' websites with a blog post from 2 years ago, I immediately think the website is not updated and look elsewhere for book info.
Your website as an author is like your LinkedIn. If you really think you won’t be able to keep it updated, it's better to put a landing page redirecting to your socials where you’re more active or Amazon links to buy your books.
(The same applies for LinkedIn! Haha, XD)
Q: How can an author approach you about being on your TBR/blog?
A: I'm always open to chat with new authors and give them a space to promote their works! Beginning this month, the idea is to feature one or two authors per month who want to promote their books.
If you think your book fits the blog's theme, reach out to me through email, and I will happily feature you in a blog post! 😊
If you liked this post and want to see more like it, follow my Instagram or, if you like romantasy books, sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page. If you want to see what Vesselless is about head to My Books page!
Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey and supported me every step of the way! I am so grateful to each of you!
